Why Kids Catch More Colds Than Adults: Exploring the Reasons with the Top Pediatrician in Ahmedabad

Top Pediatrician in Ahmedabad


It is a well-known fact that young children seem to catch colds more frequently than adults. On average, a preschooler can expect to experience six to eight colds per year, whereas adults typically have two to four. Top pediatrician in Ahmedabad explains that the combination of an inexperienced and still maturing immune system, fewer exposure to cold virus, and poor hygiene habits, tends to be much more common in young children in comparison to adults. However, as the child grows, their immune system becomes more strengthened, and they become less frequent over a time. There are several reasons explained by the best pediatrician in Ahmedabad, why the immune system of young children is more prone to cold virus. Let’s take a look.

1. Immune System:

One significant factor is that young children have not yet developed an immune system to as many viruses as adults. The immune system creates a memory of viruses that it has previously encountered, allowing it to respond more quickly and effectively when exposed again. However, many cold viruses are new and unfamiliar to the immune system of young children. That’s Why, their bodies must begin the process of developing antibodies and other immune defences from the beginning. This delay in immunity development allows the virus to more establish an infection and cause symptoms. Best Pediatrician in Ahmedabad suggests that you ensure your children get plenty of water, eat a healthy diet, and stay hydrated to support their immune system and reduce the susceptibility of colds.

2. Exposure:

Related to their inexperienced immune system, young children may have also been exposed to fewer total cold viruses in their short lives. Adulits, Through years of schooling, jobs, and travel, have had many more opportunities to encounter a variety of cold viruses and develop immunity. With limited exposure, a child’s system must again start from scratch when a new virus arrives. Over time, more exposure events will expand the immune system’s “vocabulary” of viruses it can quickly recognize and defeat.

3. Hygiene:

Young children are more susceptible to colds due to their poor hygiene habits compared to adults. Regular handwashing, covering coughs, using tissues, and avoiding touching eyes, nose and mouth can help to prevent viral transmission. However, these habits take time to learn. Preschool children often put toys and hands and hands in their mouth frequently. They also have close connections with other children in daycare settings, where viruses can spread rapidly. Their hygiene habits, which are still developing, make it more likely to spread colds and be contracted. Top pediatrician in Ahmedabad emphasises, teach your child the importance of good hygiene habits, such as washing their hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds to prevent spread of cold viruses.

4. Nasal Passages:

Children have smaller nasal passages compared to adults, which plays a significant role in their susceptibility to colds. These narrow passages can make viruses easier to take hold and cause symptoms. When viruses enter the nose, they easily reach the respiratory tract and cause infection in children due to the reduced space in their nasal passages. This physical difference is one of the main reasons behind why children are more prone to catching colds in comparison to adults.

5. Behaviour:

Children are more likely to touch their faces, especially their noses and mouths, which is a key factor in their increased susceptibility of colds. This behaviour increased transferring viruses from their hands into their bodies. While children have often less developed hygiene habits , they may nor wash their hands frequently, which may lead to higher risk of spreading viruses from their faces.

6. Environmental Factors:

During colder months, children may often spend more time indoors, where they are in closer proximity to others. This proximity increased the spread of viruses among the children, as they come into contact with infected people more frequently. Additionally, indoor environments may have poorer ventilation, which can further enhance the transmission of viruses. During the colder months, viruses thrive in lower temperatures, this increased indoor exposure contributes to why children are more likely to catch colds during the colder months.


Colds are the most common illness, especially in children. Parents are often worried about why their little ones seem to catch colds more frequently than adults. In fact, according to a top pediatrician in ahmedabad, children’s immune systems are not developed as adults which makes them more susceptible to infection of colds in children compared to adults. However, as a child grows, their immune system strengthens and becomes less prone to catching viruses. Additionally, Best pediatician in ahmedabad suggests that you encourage your child about good hygiene habits, such as wash hands frequently, covering cough and sneezing to reduce to spread viruses. If you have any concerns about how your child gets a cold, a top pediatrician in Ahmedabad would love to see your child and evaluate their health. Book your appointment by today.


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